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- addCard(Card) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Deck
Add a card to the Deck.
- adjustBankBalance(double) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
Adjusts the Player's bank balance by a fixed amount.
- adjustBankBalance(double, Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
Adjusts the Player's bank balance by a fixed amount.
- Animal - Class in dev.davwheat
Class that represents an Animal, which is a space on the GameBoard.
- Animal(String, double, double, double[], int, Game) - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.Animal
Create a new instance of the Animal class.
- ANIMAL - dev.davwheat.enums.BoardSpaceType
- AnimalAlreadyOwnedException - Exception in dev.davwheat.exceptions
- AnimalAlreadyOwnedException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.davwheat.exceptions.AnimalAlreadyOwnedException
- AnimalLevel - Enum in dev.davwheat.enums
- AnimalNotOwnedException - Exception in dev.davwheat.exceptions
- AnimalNotOwnedException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.davwheat.exceptions.AnimalNotOwnedException
- AnimalUpgradeNotAllowedException - Exception in dev.davwheat.exceptions
- AnimalUpgradeNotAllowedException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.davwheat.exceptions.AnimalUpgradeNotAllowedException
- balanceChange - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Card
- BLACK - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLACK_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLACK_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLACK_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLACK_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLACK_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLACK_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLUE - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLUE_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLUE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLUE_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLUE_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLUE_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BLUE_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- BoardSpace - Class in dev.davwheat
A space on the GameBoard which a Player can land on and interact with.
- BoardSpace(String, int, BoardSpaceType, boolean, Game) - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.BoardSpace
Create a new instance of BoardSpace.
- BoardSpaceType - Enum in dev.davwheat.enums
- Card - Class in dev.davwheat
Represents a Card in the Deck.
- Card(String, double, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.Card
Creates a new Card.
- cardDeck - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Game
The full deck of cards used within the game.
- centreText(String, int) - Static method in class dev.davwheat.StringTools
Takes a string as input, and a maximum length, then centres the text within that length.
- centreText(List<String>, int) - Static method in class dev.davwheat.StringTools
Takes a list of strings as input, and a maximum length, then centres the text within that length.
- Color - Enum in dev.davwheat.enums
- concatenateListOfLines(List<String>) - Static method in class dev.davwheat.StringTools
Joins an ArrayList of Strings into a single string, separated by new lines.
- createBaseDeck() - Static method in class dev.davwheat.Deck
Creates a Deck with the standard set of cards.
- CYAN - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- CYAN_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- CYAN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- CYAN_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- CYAN_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- CYAN_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- CYAN_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- Deck - Class in dev.davwheat
Manages a deck of Cards, from generation to selection.
- Deck() - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.Deck
- DeckIsLockedException - Exception in dev.davwheat.exceptions
- DeckIsLockedException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.davwheat.exceptions.DeckIsLockedException
- dev.davwheat - package dev.davwheat
- dev.davwheat.enums - package dev.davwheat.enums
- dev.davwheat.exceptions - package dev.davwheat.exceptions
- Dice - Class in dev.davwheat
Handles the rolling of dice to decide player movement.
- Dice() - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.Dice
- displayName - Variable in class dev.davwheat.BoardSpace
The name displayed to Players for this Board Space.
- endTurn(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Game
End the active player's turn.
- fromNumberValue(int) - Static method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
Fetches an AnimalLevel from a level number (0-3).
- Game - Class in dev.davwheat
Manages the game state and runs the game itself.
- Game() - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.Game
Creates an instance of the `Game` class.
- GameBoard - Class in dev.davwheat
Class that handles storing and managing the data relating to the board, including the spaces on the board.
- GameBoard(Game) - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.GameBoard
Create a new instance of GameBoard.
- gameBoardInstance - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Game
The GameBoard associated with the current game.
- getActivePlayer() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Game
Gets the player currently taking their turn.
- getBankBalance() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
Gets the Player's bank balance.
- getBoardSpaceAtPlayerPosition() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
Get the BoardSpace that the user is currently on.
- getBoardSpaceAtPosition(int) - Method in class dev.davwheat.GameBoard
- getCurrentLevel() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Gets the current level of this Animal.
- getOneRoll(int) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Dice
Gets the value of one specific dice roll.
- getOwnedAnimals(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.GameBoard
Fetches all the Animals owned by the provided actor.
- getOwner() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Gets the owner of this animal
- getPlayers() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Game
Gets the list of all players in the Game.
- getStopCost(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Get the cost for the provided Player to stop on this Animal's BoardSpace.
- getTotalRoll() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Dice
Get the total value of both dice rolls.
- GREEN - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- GREEN_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- GREEN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- GREEN_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- GREEN_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- GREEN_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- GREEN_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- hasLost() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
Gets if a player has gone bankrupt (negative money).
- index - Variable in class dev.davwheat.BoardSpace
The position of this BoardSpace on the GameBoard.
- InsufficientBalanceException - Exception in dev.davwheat.exceptions
- InsufficientBalanceException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.davwheat.exceptions.InsufficientBalanceException
- InvalidActorException - Exception in dev.davwheat.exceptions
- InvalidActorException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.davwheat.exceptions.InvalidActorException
- IOHelper - Class in dev.davwheat
Class to make inputting data much easier.
- IOHelper() - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
- isDouble() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Dice
Is the roll a double?
- isOwnable - Variable in class dev.davwheat.BoardSpace
Whether this BoardSpace can be owned by a Player.
- isOwnedBy(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Tests if the provided Player owns this animal.
- isUpgradable(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Determines whether the Animal is upgradable by the specified Player.
- LEVEL_ONE - dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
- LEVEL_THREE - dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
- LEVEL_TWO - dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
- LEVEL_ZERO - dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
- lock() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Deck
Locks the Deck to prevent modifications.
- MAGENTA - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- MAGENTA_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- MAGENTA_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- MAGENTA_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- MAGENTA_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- MAGENTA_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- MAGENTA_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- main(String[]) - Static method in class dev.davwheat.Main
Entry function for the game
- Main - Class in dev.davwheat
Entry point for the game.
- Main() - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.Main
- makeMissNextTurn() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
Makes this player miss their next turn.
- message - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Card
- MISS_NEXT_TURN - dev.davwheat.enums.BoardSpaceType
- missNextTurn - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Card
- movePlayer(int) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
Moves a player by a specified number of spaces.
- payForStop(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Charge to provided Player for stopping on this Animal.
- Player - Class in dev.davwheat
A Player who is engaged in the current game.
- Player(String, int, Game, char) - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.Player
Create a new instance of Player.
- playerId - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Player
The player's index in the Game's list of all players.
- playerName - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Player
The player's name.
- playerVisualIdentifier - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Player
Visual identifier for the player.
- pressEnterToContinue() - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Pauses execution until the user presses ENTER.
- printCard() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Prints a visual representation of the card to stdout.
- printCard() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Card
- printCurrentBoard() - Method in class dev.davwheat.GameBoard
Print the current game board to the console.
- purchase(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Attempts to purchase the Animal and make it owned by the Player.
- purchaseCost - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Animal
The cost of the Animal to buy.
- readChar(String, String) - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Reads a char until it passes the validation
- readChar(String, String, Function<Character, Boolean>) - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Reads a char until it passes the validation
- readInteger(String, String) - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Reads an int until it passes the validation
- readInteger(String, String, Function<Integer, Boolean>) - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Reads an int until it passes the validation
- readString(String, String) - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Reads a string until it passes the validation
- readString(String, String, Function<String, Boolean>) - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Reads a string until it passes the validation
- RED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- RED_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- RED_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- RED_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- RED_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- RED_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- RED_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- RESET - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- rollAllDice() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Dice
Rolls two dice and updates the instance of this class accordingly.
- rollDice() - Static method in class dev.davwheat.Dice
Gets a random number between 1 and 6.
- scanner - Variable in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
- setScanner(Scanner) - Method in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Used in tests to allow a custom Scanner to be set.
- shuffleCards() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Deck
Shuffle all the cards.
- splitStringAtWhitespace(String, int) - Static method in class dev.davwheat.StringTools
Takes a string, and wraps it to the maximum length provided, while adhering to whitespace location where possible.
- START - dev.davwheat.enums.BoardSpaceType
- startTurn() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Player
- stopCosts - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Animal
The cost to stop on this Animal for each level.
- StringTools - Class in dev.davwheat
A collection of utilities for modifying Strings.
- StringTools() - Constructor for class dev.davwheat.StringTools
- takeAction(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Card
Takes the action on the card against a specified player and prints info about that action.
- takeCard() - Method in class dev.davwheat.Deck
Take the top card, return it, and move it to the bottom of the pile.
- toString() - Method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- type - Variable in class dev.davwheat.BoardSpace
The type of BoardSpace.
- upgrade(Player) - Method in class dev.davwheat.Animal
Attempts to upgrade an Animal to the next level.
- upgradeCost - Variable in class dev.davwheat.Animal
The cost to upgrade the Animal to the next level.
- value - Variable in enum dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.BoardSpaceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.Color
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.AnimalLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.BoardSpaceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum dev.davwheat.enums.Color
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- WHITE - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- WHITE_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- WHITE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- WHITE_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- WHITE_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- WHITE_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- WHITE_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YELLOW - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YELLOW_BACKGROUND - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YELLOW_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YELLOW_BOLD - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YELLOW_BOLD_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YELLOW_BRIGHT - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YELLOW_UNDERLINED - dev.davwheat.enums.Color
- YesNoCharValidator - Static variable in class dev.davwheat.IOHelper
Pre-created custom char validator used to only accept Y/N inputs.
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