Data transmission


Communication channels

Type of channel Key features Advantages Disadvantages Example uses
Simplex One way communication only No possible traffic issues No bi-directional communication is possible Mobile network Emergency Alerts
Half duplex Two way communication, but not simultaneously Allows for two-way communication Can only send data after finished receiving - increased latency.
Risk of data clash.
Walkie talkies - only one person can speak at once
Full duplex Two-way communication simultaneously Allows for bi-directional communication without waiting More expensive to operate – might need 2 sets of cables, or 2 frequencies to broadcast and receive on DOCSIS Co-axial or modern broadband
Point to point A direct connection between two devices Allows a simple connection method between two devices for simple networking Requires multiple hops between each device on a point to point network if used in a large organisation Bluetooth
Multi-drop A communication channel from one device to multiple others. More efficient to set up (easier to broadcast info than to specifically send to one device) All devices receive the data, creating security risks Wireless network communication (4G, WiFi)

Types of transmission

Synchronous transmission

Asynchronous transmission

Comparison table

  Advantages Disadvantages Real-world use case(s)
Asynchronous transmission Less prone to corruption/errors
Easy to resend lost pieces of data
Requires more processing (need to reassemble)
For scenarios where efficiency, routing, and error correction is key (e.g. web browsing)
Synchronous transmission Faster
Doesn’t suffer from collisions as often
If data is corrupted or lost, all of the data must be resent To send large amounts of data from one location to another quickly

Parallel and serial data transmission

Data transmission can be either serial or parallel. This refers to how much data can be transferred at the same.

Serial transmission

Why do we use it?

Parallel transmission

Why do we use it?

We don’t for most things. PATA (Parallel ATA), also known as IDE, used to be common for storage in computers until the mid 2000s when we switched to SATA (Serial ATA).

Types of network

There are two main types of network: a WAN (wide area network) and a LAN (local area network).


A local area network is a connected system of nodes (computers, switches, routers, servers) in a limited geographical area (a building, a room, etc).

For it to be a LAN, all nodes, cables, etc must be owned by or the responsibility of the organisation. For example, in a school or college, the Ethernet cables, computers, servers are all owned by or leased by the organisation.

Benefits of LANs

Disadvantages of LANs


A WAN connects two or more LANs together, such as two company or building LANs, or a split student and teacher LAN.

A company WAN will allow different offices to share files and resources stored on each of their networks.

The largest WAN in existence is the Internet: this connects billions of LANs (home networks, schools, offices, and more) all connected into one single diverse network.

How we connect LANs

There are several ways that we can connect different LANs together. Some of the more common methods are:

Advantages of WANs

Disadvantages of WANs

Typical home/organisation network

A diagram showing a “standard” home/small business network

Wired communication methods

USB 2.0

USB 3.0

USB Type B




Fibre optic



Wireless communication methods

Wireless means no wires!



Mobile network infrastructure (UMTS/HSDPA/LTE)

Infrared (IR)

Data packets

Packets are small capsules of information

They’re made up of 3 parts:

General example of a packet.

Packet headers


Packet switching

We break large amounts of data into smaller pieces of data as it’s more likely to be lost, slowed down, or corrupted.

Using packets means that, if a packet gets lost or corrupted, we can ask for it to be resent and only a small amount of data needs to be received, rather than the full file.

Packets are sent independently over the network by whatever route is fastest for that packet. This can causing packets to be received in a different order, requiring them to be reconstructed into the original data at the recipient’s device.

Sending packets over different routes is called packet switching.

Circuit switching

Circuit switching is an alternative to packet switching. It’s more commonly used inside LANs, or for older systems, such as telephone calls.

There is a single physical path between every device, and all packets to the devices always take the same route. Packets can’t be sent through different routes – they must all take the same one route.

Transmission protocols

A protocol is a set of rules which determine how data is sent over a network between computers.

Before devices communicate, they need to agree on the protocols they will use to communicate, called handshaking.

During a handshake the computers decide…

Table of protocols

Protocol Full name Purpose
HTTP Hypertext transfer protocol Used for transmitting data over the internet, most commonly webpages, but can be any file format.
HTTPS Hypertext transfer protocol secured A secured, encrypted version of HTTP meant for safer transmission of confidential or personal information.
POP3 Post Office Protocol 3 Used to download emails from a central server. Emails deleted after being downloaded.
IMAP4 Internet Message Access Protocol 4 Used to synchronise emails from a central server to multiple devices. Emails remain on the central server unless manually deleted. State (read/unread, etc.) is synced between devices.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Used to send emails. Email contents are sent to an SMTP Email server, then routed and transmitted to the recipient’s server.
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol Used for making audio calls over the internet. Low bandwidth required, so it prioritises low latency.
FTP File Transfer Protocol Used to explore file and directory structures of a computer over the internet. Can be used to upload or download files from said server.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Used to control how data is sent across networks. All packets are guaranteed to arrive (if it doesn’t arrive the first time, the server will re-send them). Prioritises stability and no data loss over speed and latency.